Category: Reviews

February 24 / / Guides

After much back and forth, I finally decided to take the plunge and upgrade my short boxes to DrawerBoxes. I say “upgrade,” because that’s what it is – they are higher quality and have more functional utility than standard comic book long boxes and short boxes.

DrawerBoxes by The Collection Drawer Co. is a comic book storage system designed to create a stackable system of boxes that slide in and out like drawers (hence the name), creating a more efficient way to access your collection. For most collectors, long and short boxes are simply stacked on top of each other, or on shelves, which is a fine way to store your comic books, but it’s very inconvenient to unstack boxes or pull them off shelves and remove the cover and replace them just to have access to your books. It’s not the end of the world, or the most difficult task, but it does get very annoying and repetitive. DrawerBoxes aim to solve that issue.

March 22 / / Cons
December 30 / / Comics

2015 has been a great year for comics – we got two reboots from Marvel and DC, Image kept pumping out winners, and some of the best series from 2014 kept going strong.

It’s also been a great year for Shortboxed! We managed to hit lots of cons up and down the California coast, made it up to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con, visited some comic book shops overseas, and we got to attend the mecca for comic book geeks, San Diego Comic-Con. We also added another member to the Shortboxed crew this year, Jeremy, who’s been crushing it with his reviews and opinion pieces! All this on top of reading some amazing stories from our favorite creators this year! So thank you to all of our readers and followers on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for allowing us to geek out with you and connect over this passion of ours.

November 22 / / Comics

We’re all used to time travel stories by now – disrupting the space-time continuum, changing the course of history, undoing past mistakes, yada yada yada. Well the creators of Chrononauts from Image Comics, Mark Millar and Sean Murphy, realize that and still manage to give us a really fun story.

Chrononauts revolves around two best friends Corbin and Danny, genius rockstar scientists that discover time travel and decide to televise historic events around the world, only to go time traveling themselves and screw up everything along the way. If this sounds a bit ridiculous and Hollywood-y, it is, and it’s supposed to be.


November 10 / / Cons
November 6 / / Cons

The sheer amount of comic conventions in California is mind boggling. There’s almost a show every month of the year if you’re willing to travel. But what sets Comikaze from the rest is that it’s STAN LEE’s Comikaze. The man, the myth, the legend that is Stan Lee owns and operates the show along with Elvira Mistress of the Dark. This is one of our favorite shows of the year.

September 28 / / Comics

It’s been 32 whopping years since Star Wars: Return of the Jedi was released. 32 years since the death and destruction of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. But Skywalker and crew didn’t live happily ever. As part of the journey to the next record breaking movie this December, Marvel Comics fills in the gaps between the two major events with Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Shattered Empire.


September 22 / / Comics
Alderaan Shot First

It’s common knowledge that Alderaan shot first which prompted the destruction of their home world. But have you ever wondered what happened to the Alderaanians that were vacationing on Hoth when Vader eradicated the warmongering people? Well, now you’ll know. Officially.